
God’s Equal: What Can We Know about Jesus’ Self-Understanding? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Through analysis of the Gospel accounts regarding Jesus’ claims to inaugurate the kingdom of God, his miracles, and the authority in which Jesus speaks throughout Scripture, Sigurd Grindheim builds a case for his argument that Jesus claim to be God’s son must be understood in light of his implicit claims to be God’s equal. Through a comprehensive examination of primary sources, Grindheim explains...

Whereas the standard view in the Jewish sources seems to be that God himself would deal with Beliar, some of the writings from Qumran show how God is waging this war through his agents. The War Scroll describes the war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness, also identified as the sons of Belial (1QM 1.1). Most scholars understand this battle as symbolic of the community’s war against evil, but it has been argued that it should be understood as an earthly battle that corresponds to the
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